Why Medicine Needs a FRESH Start
Healthcare Today: Profits Over People
We are at a tipping point in healthcare, as chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, asthma and cancer reach epidemic-level rates. Our healthcare costs are skyrocketing, with national health expenditure projected to reach almost 20% of GDP by 2028 (CMS, 2020).
We are facing an era of diminishing returns, in this case, our nation’s health. Our doctors and nurses are unhappy and burnt-out and have lost autonomy for the sake of productivity driven by the medical industry. We no longer have a health care system; we have a sick care system, where we put profits over people.
Additionally, we have an insurance system which pays very little attention and even less money toward prevention and promoting the health of “patients.” In fact, they do not manage the health of their “clients”; they too often focus on merely trying to manage cost through restricting access, utilization and price. In other words, they are in the business of managing diseases, not offering health and well being. Sadly, prevention is bad for their bottom line!
Our current disease-based medical industry model cannot continue. We must find a new, FRESH start! People want more options in health and in healthcare, than just a seven-minute visit, a pill for an ill and/or surgery.
And all of this was of concern BEFORE the global pandemic!
What is Health?
The World Health Organization defines Health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The Definition has not been amended since 1948.
Ask yourself, when was the last time you felt your doctor, hospital, or health care system created a personalized plan (a prescription) for your health and well-being? So, where does health begin? Health and wellness begin where we eat, pray, work and live. It begins at home, at work, the gym, in church, the yoga studio, during Pilates class, wherever we go. So, why not at the doctor’s office?
The Solution: FRESH Integrative Medicine
FRESH Med is our answer. Our team is led by Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH, ABOIM, FACP and Julie Graham, Health Coach and Positive Psychology Practitioner; and in our practice, we take a FRESH approach to well-being together. We understand lifelong health and wellness requires a mindset and commitment to adopting healthy eating and living habits.
Julie Graham, Health Coach & Positive Psychology Practitioner, and Chef Robert Graham, MD, MPH, ABOIM, FACP
Our integrative healthcare model is based on the five FRESH pillars of well-being:
Food: Based on your own individual, metabolic and lifestyle needs, we will help you discover the foods that truly nourish you.
Relaxation: Did you know you have a natural “Relaxation Response”? You will learn how to make mindfulness and mini meditations part of your daily routine.
Exercise: Just move—it’s good for the body, mind and spirit! Setting realistic fitness goals by finding things you enjoy doing is the key to long lasting results.
Sleep: We are only as good as we sleep. You will find ways to make sure you’re getting the “zzzzz’s” you need so you have more vitality in your life.
Happiness: Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing. By focusing on your strengths, you will discover the things in your life that truly make you happier.
Together we can reverse today’s epidemic of illness and chronic disease through education, research, care and collaboration. We can help you achieve your fitness goals that not only bring about positive changes in your body, but also in your mental health and overall wellness. Now, that’s FRESH!
Our innovative integrative health facility offers medically supervised wellness programs that include fitness and nutrition, special programs for weight management, diabetes, gut health, stress reduction, heart disease, cholesterol control, osteoporosis, musculoskeletal conditions and much, much more. Our goal is simple: to make you healthier! Isn’t it time for a FRESH start? It’s time for you to “Go To Health”!