What’s different about FRESH Med’s new office space?
If 2020 left us with anything positive, it’s the inspiration for change. 2021 called for a FRESH start - and for us, that looked like a move! Don’t worry - we haven’t gone far. TODAY we opened the doors to our new office, located at the beautiful Juhi Ash Center (800A 5th Ave).
So what’s special about our practice? We like to explain it with A Tale of Two Doctors’ Offices - the traditional, and the FRESH. Let’s start with the traditional:
The Doctor’s Office; A Familiar Tale
Consider the last mental or physical ailment for which you saw a doctor.
You felt your condition progressively worsen until you were surely south of neutral (as opposed to North of Neutral!) and that’s when, reluctantly, you picked up your phone and dialed your doctor’s office.
The following day, you are scurrying past the “Contagiously Ill” area and into the “Generally Okay, We Guess” area of the waiting room, guiltily deeming yourself well enough to sit among the annual check-up patients. Absentmindedly you observe the finger-printed magazines in the hands of other miserable patients until your name is called.
Inside the sterile room, your doctor listens to your heart, your lungs and your complaints. You’re always tired; maybe you have mono? Migraines won’t let you live your damn life; have you tried this medicine? You have acne; how is that topical cream from the dermatologist working for you, should we try a different brand? You’re depressed and insomnia prone; it runs in your family.
Your doctor is great and the visit is never as bad as you think it will be, so you leave the claustrophobia of the office and in the fresh air remind yourself that there’s no need to dread your follow-up appointment. Then you make your way to the pharmacy to pick up a new set of little orange bottles, hopeful about the renewed promise of real results.
FRESH Med’s Integrative Practice; An Alternative Tale
But wait... Back to square one, when you first noticed your health felt a little off kilter. Let’s do as we do at FRESH Med and flip the switch. This time, when you dial your doctor, it’s Dr. Graham who picks up…
Dr. Graham still listens to your heart, your lungs and your complaints; but his office is flooded with character and light. Central Park bustles right outside the window. Personal photos and professional certificates liven the walls: Dr. Graham with Dr. Mehmet Oz, with Dr. Deepak Chopra, with Andy Weil and with Mark Hyman; Dr. Graham and Julie on their wedding day; framed proof that he really did go to Harvard; a drawing of the human body titled “The Anatomy of Love” (Julie gets credit for that one).
Dr. Graham’s office (See Julie’s addition “The Anatomy of Love” on the left!)
Where your experience really diverges from the typical appointment, though, is when you and Dr. Graham discuss your symptoms. Here’s where you take control of your own health, because your doctor doesn’t stop at questions about the current pills you’re taking, your allergies to potential medications and your preferred pharmacy. Dr. Graham doesn’t just think in symptomatic terms when considering mono, migraines, acne, depression, insomnia - or any aspect of your health, for that matter. Instead, he asks you, “What do you normally eat? How are your stress levels at work? Do you think that your lifestyle could be influencing your health conditions? Do you think your mental health could be affecting your physical?”
Based on your answers, Dr. Graham will work with you to address your health in a way that prioritizes your specific needs and builds on your strengths. He may refer you to a dietitian, an acupuncturist or a health coach if you would benefit from additional holistic care.
The beauty of FRESH Med is that Dr. Graham is not only a physician trained in internal medicine, but also a Chef; you can still leave his office with a prescription for a little orange bottle, but you will never leave feeling like you were dismissively given a pill for an ill. You are also guaranteed to carry home with you the signature FRESH Med prescription for Food, Relaxation, Exercise, Sleep and Happiness as Medicine.
We look forward to seeing you!
With 2021, we welcome the possibility of seeing familiar faces in our office. As a reminder, you are always welcome to contact us virtually if traveling is not safe or comfortable for you. And in the meantime, take care of your mental, physical and spiritual health by enrolling in Dr. Rob and Julie Graham’s e-learning program: FRESH Med U.
A year of turmoil reminded us time and again of what we already knew: the most essential things we have are our health and each other. We are here to help you take care of both. Stay FRESH!